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screen7.pngShaun Amyot and Michael Schumacher

Shaun (on the left) worked with the dancers in Toronto, while Michael was responsible for the dancers in Amsterdam.



Hlif Svavarsdottir

Repetiteur in Amsterdam, led the rehearsals when Michael wasn't in the country.


Amsterdam Crew


Dave van Roon

Your humble narrator was head technical for this performance, from making the IT stuff work to planning, thinking about lighting and telling the cameramen what to do.


Hendrik Walther

My favorite lighting operator in school. This was my fourth performance operated by this guy-who-likes-hugs.



Thomas Lloyd

First cameraman. Did a lot of work in the testsession.




Bauke Moerman

Second cameraman. Joined us for the final session.




Alexandra Jansen

Joined us for the final session for building and helping out during rehearsals.




Dorothea Sinnema and Bas de Bruijn

The main contact for Toronto was Dorothea (on the left), she worked a lot in keeping everybody up to date, shipping the equipment, keeping the schedule in order, arranging the school to stay open during break, making sure there were costumes, getting me and Michael to meet, helping me with planning and other productional stuff.. Basically, this project wouldn't be if it weren't for her.

Bas (on the right) represented the technical department and arranged the non-video equipment, lighting desk, sound desk, comm main station, projector. Also during the final session he helped with lighting.

Paul van der Ploeg

From the beginning Paul was my coach on streaming and video issues. This was the third big performance where he was my coach.

Jacco Voorbij and Stefan Brokx

Our hero's from IT. They went just that extra bit further to make sure everything worked with the connection. I even remember one night when I called Stefan, he had just put his kid to bed but was still able to add another IP address to the firewall's filter.

Ellen den Bouwmeester, Fer Smidt, Gabi Kovacsova, Koos Glasbeek



Toronto Crew - On Comm


Kevin MacLeod

From really early in the project Kevin was my main contact overseas. Since he was working on the projections most of my questions were directed at him.




Rob Heydari

Representing Ryerson University Rob helped a lot in configuring the HaiVision equipment and maintaining a decent data transfer.


Aisling Sampson (Ash)

For production she was the main contact for Dorothea. Ash was the lighting designer as well and for that we spoke during the Kevin Skype sessions.


Janelle Rainville

Stage Manager. In the end she also que'ed the Amsterdam crew quite a bit. For instance she que'ed Bauke, who then told a dancer to move the monitor. Which was funny, because in the Canadian accent it sounded like: 'Attention Bow-kuhr, Bow-kuhr GO'.


Andrew Clemens

Audiodesk operator, was kind enough to mix in some response mics, so we could hear the reaction of the Toronto audience.


Raha Javanfar

Joined for the final session to work on the Isadora patch. For instance she superimposed movies of flowing water over our signal, in order to give our dancers a vague virtual feel.


Doug Benn

Operated the Toronto live stream camera's.


Toronto Crew - Off Comm

Marina Surgan

Principal Pianist


Marianna Rosato

Assistant Stage Manager


Stuart Baulch

Technical Director


Brian Chmielewski

Assistant Technical Director


Evan Bonnah-hawkes, Elizabeth Maraston, Bonnie Thomson, Jon Thomson, Nic Vincent

Stage Crew


Roby Clarke

Wardrobe Supervisor


Raegan Moore



Karen Anderson, Naomi Blank, Bianca Laudadio, Lauren Pietrowski, Laura Pugliese, Julie-Rae King

Wardrobe Assistants


Sylvia Medeiros

Artistic Operations Coordinator


Jessica Callejas

Schedule Coordinator


Jennifer Denys, Cynthia Roberts



Margo Le Vae

Audience & Client Relations Coordinator


Keira Enneson Park

Program Design






Page One: Overview

Page Two: The Performance

Page Three: The Crew

Page Four: The Equipment

Page Five: The Test Session

Page Six: The Final Session




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